Browsing articles in "International Education"

The National Pulse: The Government’s Latest Education Experiments Are Truly Scary

Dr. Karen Effrem denounces sponsors of the global workforce development movement that sees children as widgets instead of individuals with their own dreams and aspirations.

OECD sponsors the PISA test and is a major player in the global workforce development movement that sees children as widgets instead of individuals with their own dreams and aspirations. Education Liberty Watch’s comments on this terrible idea can be summarized as follows:

There are already dozens of studies showing that preschool is minimally effective, that beneficial effects fade with time or is academically and emotionally harmful. Social emotional assessment, especially for young children, is extraordinarily subjective and unreliable, violates parental autonomy, and the private right of conscience of free American citizens. This is especially true when data security within the U.S. Department of Education is so poor.

Mar 16, 2010

Global Education/Global Government at the Door by: Allen Quist

The worldwide financial crisis is being used as an excuse to create a global government.To that end, on April 26, 2010, the President of the European Central Bank, Jean-Cluade Trichet, delivered a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) called, “Global Government Today.”

Forbes online summarized the Trichet speech to the CFR as follows: “The President of the European Central Bank, Jean-Claude Trichet, told Forbes that global governance is extremely necessary if we want to prevent another financial crisis.”

Robert Rubin, Chairman of the CFR, signaled his support and that of the CFR for global government by responding to Trichet as follows: “Jean Claude, you were terrific.” Continue reading »
