Social Studies Standards Petition Letter Now Available – Please Sign and Share
The petition letter ( opposing the proposed Minnesota social studies standards to administrative law judge Barbara Nielson is now ready to be signed. We will collect signatures and then forward them with the letter to the judge, who will accept this letter and signatures as written testimony. It will only take a couple of minutes. Please sign, including your full name and address, which will not be visible on our website and share with your social networks. The deadline is Wednesday, January 9th at 4:30 PM Central Time. You do not need to be a Minnesota resident to sign the letter. If you wish to submit your own individual testimony, you may email it to the judge at Please be sure to reference OAH Docket No. 11-1300-30011 in your comments.
Other details and some of the testimony against the standards are available here and here. Some other testimony that we did not have is available from the hearing here. Other written testimony will also be up on this site very soon. Thank you for your support and help!
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