Crucial Fed Ed Bills to Discuss with Members of Congress
Here are brief descriptions of three great and important federal education bills that increase parental rights, state sovereignty, and local control. Then are three bills that dramatically increase federal control and destroy education data privacy as well as our children’s freedom of conscience and the rights to be secure in their thoughts and attitudes without federally funded psychological profiling. Please review this information and ask your members of Congress by phone ( and to support the first three and oppose the second three:
1) Student Privacy Protection Act (SPPA) – S 1341:
This legislation provides important protections in the following areas:
- Rolling back the disastrous extra-congressional regulatory changes that vastly expanded access of third parties to our children’s personally identifiable data, now limiting that access and requiring parental consent in all cases
- Holding educational agencies, schools, and third parties liable for violations of the law through monetary fines, damages, and court costs
- Prohibiting psychological or attitudinal profiling of students or gathering of sensitive family information via any assessments, including academic assessments or survey.
- Extending data protections for homeschooled students required to submit educational data to public school districts
- Prohibiting educational agencies, schools, and the Secretary of Education from including personally identifiable information obtained from Federal or State agencies through data matches in student data.
- Banning Federal education funds to states or districts that film, record, or monitor students or teachers in the classroom or remotely without parent or adult student and teacher consent.
2) Local Education Authority Returns Now (LEARN) Act – HR 121
3) The Student Testing Improvement and Accountability ActS 1025
1) The Every Child Achieves Act (ECAA) S 1177:
2) The Student Success Act HR 5:
- Continues the federal mandate that standards “include the same knowledge, skills, and levels of achievement expected of all public school students in the state”
- Continues the annual testing requirement
- Portability provision risks inserting federal and Common Core control in private schools
- This bill does nothing to deal with psychological manipulation, profiling, and data collection rampant in Common Core and numerous other federal education programs
- The data protection statutes and those involved with student surveys are not yet updated
- There is potentially dangerous federal involvement in the parental relationship with school
- Students and families need protection against coercion to be labeled and placed on psychotropic medication
3) Strengthening Education Through Research Act (SETRA) S 227
- SETRA seeks to expand federal psychological profiling of our children
- SETRA only appears to prohibit a national database.
- The bill continues to rely on a severely outdated and weakened FERPA to protect student privacy.
- SETRA continues the large loophole that renders PPRA ineffective in protecting student privacy.
- Assessments + Testing (25)
- Bullying/Sex Education (6)
- Child Protection League (2)
- Common Core Standards (78)
- Curriculum + Standards (65)
- Data Collection and Data Privacy (64)
- Early Education/Nanny State (75)
- Federal Education (128)
- International Education (6)
- LGBT Issues in Education (9)
- Media Appearances (4)
- PL/CBE (2)
- Planned Economy (11)
- Politics of Education (26)
- School Violence (9)
- Social Emotional Learning/Mental Health (52)
- State Education (89)
- Testimony/Presentations (17)
- Uncategorized (13)
- Unions (10)
Education Liberty Watch Projects
ELW Allies
- American Principles Project
- Cato Institute
- Conservative Teachers of America
- Constitutional Coalition
- Eagle Forum
- Minnesota Advocates and Champions for Children
- Missouri Education Watchdog
- Restore Oklahoma Parent Empowerment
- Stop Common Core
- The Pioneer Institute
- Truth in American Education
- What is Common Core – Education Without Representation