The National Pulse: Will California Bureaucrats Approve School Textbooks Praising LGBT Agenda?

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Dr. Karen Effrem extends a pressing warning to parents!

  • This assault on innocent children, especially young ones — combined with Common Core, social emotional learning and data mining — is just one more reason parents ought to carefully consider how they educate their children. Regardless of the machinations of these various groups and government entities, parents must stand and protect their children against this tyranny of the mind imposed by a radical minority and out-of-control government. We owe them and the nation nothing less.
  • This highly subjective statute is the latest in a long line of California laws that undermine parental rights and authority and wade deeply into identity group politics. This will base the study of history not on achievements, but on membership in some identity group, totally undermining the concept of E pluribus unum – “Out of many, one.”


Will California Bureaucrats Approve School Textbooks Praising LGBT Agenda?

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