Feb 9, 2018

The National Pulse: Congress Explodes Deficit, Expands Nanny State Programs with Budget Deal

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Despite courageous efforts by Senator Rand Paul, other fiscally conservative senators, and the House Freedom Caucus, as well as the objections of pro-amnesty Democrat members in both chambers, Congress passed a two-year budget deal early this morning that ballooned spending by $300 billion over the next two years, significantly enlarging the deficit. The bill also ended the military and domestic sequester and raised the debt ceiling by $1 trillion. The Senate vote was 71-28, while the House vote was 240-186. The government is now funded through March 23rd, which will give the Congress time to write out a detailed budget for the rest of fiscal year 2018.

The full article gives details on the bill’s funding for:

  • Home Visiting
  • Child Care and Development Block Grant
  • Mental Health
  • Higher Education

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