The National Pulse: POLL: Support for Charter Schools Plummets Nationwide — As It Should
by: Dr. Karen R. Effrem, MD
The annual Education Next poll on education issues came out last week, and there was a very surprising finding regarding charter schools. After nearly ten years of very stable support with a high of 72 percent in 2012, support has plummeted in the general public, as well as in both major political parties and among minority groups. It was the largest change in support of any item that was polled. Here is the poll description and their graphic:
The National Pulse: Keep Up the Great Work, Parents! The Educrats Are Starting to Listen
by: Dr. Karen R. Effrem, MD
Typically, these bureaucratic commissions either completely ignore or barely acknowledge the views of ordinary citizens and parents because we are not full of lobbying cash that promotes a particular profit or political agenda, and the corporate interests are really lining up to get their hands on our children’s data, in addition to all of the big government types that also want access. So even though the description of the parent and privacy advocates’ remarks was somewhat snarky, it is good to see that view acknowledged.
The National Pulse: Congressman Wants More Federal Data Mining — But Parents Aren’t Fooled
by: Dr. Karen R. Effrem
A national coalition of grassroots parent and citizen groups — including the American Principles Project, Education Liberty Watch, and Eagle Forum, as well as 72 state and local organizations from 33 states — recently sent a letter to the U.S. House Education and Workforce Committee on the issue of student data privacy.
The National Pulse: Mother Denied Parental Rights over Transgender Teen Appeals Court Ruling
Last month, Dr. Effrem described the bizarre and dangerous Minnesota federal court decision that “emancipated” a minor child from his mother, thereby denying her inherent parental right to direct the academic, medical, and other aspects of the care and upbringing of her own son — all without any of the due process normally involved in such situations.
The story continues:
According to the Minnesota Child Protection League (CPL), an organization which has been supporting Ms. Calgaro’s efforts, attorneys for the district made the situation painfully worse:
Attorneys for the school district went on to state that, since Calgaro had filed a lawsuit to assert her parental rights, her request should be denied in order to protect her son from “further harm.” Consider that. The school administration is empowered to decide that Calgaro is harmful to her son because she challenged the violation of her parental rights in court.
- Assessments + Testing (25)
- Bullying/Sex Education (6)
- Child Protection League (2)
- Common Core Standards (78)
- Curriculum + Standards (65)
- Data Collection and Data Privacy (64)
- Early Education/Nanny State (75)
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Education Liberty Watch Projects
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- Minnesota Advocates and Champions for Children
- Missouri Education Watchdog
- Restore Oklahoma Parent Empowerment
- Stop Common Core
- The Pioneer Institute
- Truth in American Education
- What is Common Core – Education Without Representation