Our Mission

The Education Liberty Watch Mission Statement

Education Liberty Watch supports knowledge-based education that promotes the American Creed, free enterprise, limited government, and the primacy of parental rights.

Education Liberty Watch BELIEVES

1. Parents are the primary authority in the education and rearing of children.

    2. Accessible, nonpublic education without government interference is essential to a healthy education system.

    3. Good education is most importantly about acquiring knowledge and understanding, not about inculcating government-approved values and beliefs.

    4. Good education in the United States promotes the American Creed (Principles of Liberty) as defined by the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution, including national sovereignty, natural law, self-evident truth, equality, God-given inalienable rights of all people, the right to life, liberty and private property, the consent of the governed, and the primary purpose of government being the protection of citizen’s inalienable rights. The American Creed creates “e pluribus unum” (out of many, one), i.e. people from many nations gathered under one American Creed.

    5. Good education accurately teaches the political heritage of western civilization, including the Judeo-Christian worldview, as America’s historical foundation.

    6. Good education teaches a thorough understanding of the world in which we live, but also reinforces the sovereignty of the United States and American exceptionalism.

    7. Good education understands that truth exists, and that it can be discovered, understood, and taught.

    8. The constitutional authority over education is reserved to the individual states and citizens, not to the federal government. The constitutional limit on federal powers is an essential part of the separation of powers that protects the freedom of the American people.

    9. Early childhood care from birth to five is best determined by the child’s parents. Establishing ideological and political child-outcomes and universal preschool is a dangerous expansion of government power over families.

    10. Universal or routine psychological screening of students and young children in schools and childcare settings is a usurpation of the authority of parents and a dangerous violation of personal privacy.

    The Questions You’ll Find Answered on this website:

    What is happening in our schools that will affect every worker in America?

    What happened to local control of our schools?

    Why are kids spending class time training for entry level jobs?

    Why is time spent on projects and group learning instead of the basics?

    Why are businesses training teachers in job skills?

    Why are reading, writing and math skills going down?