Jul 29, 2009

Obama Administration To Impose Liberal UN Curriculum by: Allen Quist

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On July 24, 2009, the U.S Department of Education (DOE) announced that the “centerpiece of the Obama administration’s education reform efforts” in its “$4.35 billion Race to the Top,” will include “adopting internationally benchmarked education standards.” These will be national standards, said the press release, keyed to international standards and will be incentivized to the states with federal “stimulus” dollars.

By the term “education standards” DOE means content standards; meaning curriculum-the content schools must teach. By “national education standards” DOE means that schools in all 50 states will teach the same content. This will create a de facto federal curriculum The Department of Education will financially reward those states that teach what DOE wants taught. The Department can be expected to insist that the values taught in the national curriculum conform to the very liberal ideology of the Obama administration.

According to the announcement, this federal curriculum will consist of “internationally benchmarked” standards. The only extant comprehensive “internationally benchmarked” education standards are those developed by UNESCO, the UN’s education arm The UNESCO website clarifies that its education standards conform to the treaties and agreements of the UN. This means that its curriculum includes, for example, the requirements of the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) which says, “Education shall . . . further the activities of the United Nations” (Art. 26:2). Continue reading »

Jul 17, 2009

Ancient Map Disproves Global Warming by: Allen Quist

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A recently discovered and publicized ancient map of the globe disproves the theory of man-made global warming. The enormous significance of the map has only now become apparent as Congress considers sweeping legislation intended to combat global warming supposedly caused by human activity.

The map was discovered in the Library of Congress, Washington DC, in 1960 by Charles Hapgood. It was drawn by well-known French cartographer, Oronteus Finaeus, in 1531. There is no serious question about the authenticity of the map. Finaeus was a well-known scholar and was an expert in cartography, astronomy, mathematics and military weaponry. The map is based on numerous source maps, some of them going back to the time of Alexander the Great (335 BC).

One section of the map pictures the globe from the perspective of the South Pole. Antarctica is clearly shown on this map and is pictured as being largely ice-free with flowing rivers and a clean coastline. Some of the mountain ranges pictured on the map have only been recently discovered. Photographs of the map can be found on numerous websites; one such photograph appears below:  Continue reading »

Apr 24, 2009

Team Obama’s Class Warfare Strategy by: Allen Quist

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EdWatch forwards the following article because it pertains to every individual who has become active and involved in the grassroots work of education or any other “single issue” that is about protecting freedom for ourselves and for the next generation of Americans.

Now that Obama and company don’t have Bush to kick around any more, they have turned their guns on conservatives. The latest was the attack by Senior White House adviser David Axelrod last Sunday when he described the nationwide Tea Parties as having, “an element of disaffection that can mutate into something unhealthy,”

Axelrod’s “mutate into something unhealthy” broadside is a transparent reference to the April 7 memo of Homeland Security Czar, Janet Napolitano, which said there are certain groups in our nation that are prone to becoming terrorists. The individuals and groups so characterized by Napolitano include those who:

  • “favor state or local authority,”
  • oppose “illegal immigration,”
  • “are single issue, such as opposition to abortion,”
  • oppose “One World Government,”
  • are “returning veterans,”
  • oppose further “restrictions on firearms,”
  • oppose “same sex marriage.”

To identify individuals who attend Tea Parties or are pro-life as being dangerous or likely terrorists is totally absurd, of course. So what is going on? Team Obama operates by class warfare. They have now added philosophical class warfare to the economic.

This raises a host of major concerns, one being the use of law enforcement and our tax money for this kind of sleazy politics. The biggest concern, however, is whether our nation is willing to continue to tolerate political class warfare which is essentially a Marxist tactic.

Mar 31, 2009

The Case Against Government Preschool – Myths vs. Facts

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The pork-laden federal stimulus law contains $53.6 billion for education including early childhood education and  $2.1 billion for Head Start and Early Head Start.  Another $2 billion was added to the Child Care and Development Block Grant, including $93.7 million for childcare quality activities.  Despite massive budget deficits, many states like Minnesota are still trying to spend more on these wasteful, ineffective, and invasive programs.

Although lacking evidence of effectiveness and political popularity, early childhood education has become the new silver bullet answer of the education cartel to solve America’s education woes.  Unfortunately, liberals and teachers unions with their desires for more funding and more control over families have been joined by big business, with its insatiable appetite for more workers, including mothers, and for government subsidies, in this case to cover employees’ childcare costs.  These businesses, along with allegedly conservative politicians and big government economists have gotten on the bandwagon of having childcare turned into another government education program funded by the taxpayers. Continue reading »