
Thank you all ever so much for your encouragement, thoughts, prayers, and generous donations during this transition time from EdWatch to Education Liberty Watch.  It has been a whirlwind as we have convened a wonderful new board, developed a new logo, and  learned much about website design, all while endeavoring to work with the new Congress, the new Minnesota legislature, and individuals and policy makers in other states to stand for education freedom and cut invasive, ineffective, and fiscally unsustainable education and health and human services programs and policies.  Various members of the board and I have also been putting together legislative agendas, speaking at events, meeting with legislators and staff, testifying, hosting a radio show or being interviewed, and building and expanding coalitions with like-minded organizations that believe in limited government, individual liberty and responsibility, and free markets. 

Below are some links to media appearances and legislative testimony. Although some of the budget numbers and bills are Minnesota specific, the issues are being examined in many states across the nation  These include voucher programs for both preschool and K-12, social studies standards, early childhood programs in general, as well as child care quality rating systems, child mental health and the  horrific over use of psychiatric drugs in both adults and children, home visiting programs, Race to the Top, etc.

Although delayed by the feverish pace of all this policy work, our new website is now ready for unveiling.  You will be able to find links to our latest information, media appearances, and testimony. Some of of the more recent EdWatch material has been brought over to the Education Liberty Watch website.  We also have an EdWatch archive site where you will be able to still access the important articles and information from EdWatch’s past history that you have used in your own state battles for freedom.  Our new web address is::



Education Liberty Watch

9601 Annapolis Lane North

Maple Grove, MN 55369




We are now able to gratefully accept donations to continue this important work either by mail at the address above or electronically via PayPal at:



You may still access the old EdWatch material at www.EdWatch.org if you need it for your research.



  • Sue Jeffers often discusses important education issues.  View a list of podcasts
  • .2/5 Dr. Effrem calls into Sue Jeffers show to talk about early childhood in Gov. Dayton’s education plan (here at 13:15)
  • 2/19 Dr. Effrem is interviewed regarding MN Gov. Dayton’s education budget ( here at  26:00)
  • 2/19 Steel on Steel Radio – Dr. Effrem discusses Race to the Top (a 20 minute sample of the whole show is available here by following the link for the February 19th show.  Otherwise a subscription is required.)
  • 3/5 Sue Jeffers interviews Dr. Effrem regarding school choice legislation that will place burdensome mandates on private schools and childcare businesses as well as the terrible draft social studies standards revisions. (Here at 24:00)
  • 3/5 – Mitch Berg of the Northern Alliance Radio Network on AM 1280 the Patriot interviews Dr. Effrem on well-intentioned, but potentially dangerous school choice legislation and the social studies standards. (Here at 25:08).
  • 3/19 Sue interviews Dr. Effrem on the currents state of Minnesota education legislation at the top of the hour (here)


  • 2/14 – Dr, Effrem testified before the MN Senate HHS Committee on the dangerous and inappropriate psychiatric drugging of children on Medicaid.  (Audio available here by following  link for February 14th HHS hearing starting at the beginning)
  • 2/16 – Dr. Effrem testified before the MN House Education Finance Committee on the lack of effectiveness of early childhood programs followed by vigorous Q and A with legislators.  (Audio available here by following the link for February 16th hearing at 1:00:40)
  • 3/7 – Dr. Effrem testified against SF 331. the early childhood bill that increases government control over private childcare and imposes state approved highly subjective and controversial curriculum and assessments over young children via an ineffective and invasive quality rating system.(Audio available here by following March 7th Education hearing starting at 1:06:35)
  • 3/8 – Dr. Effrem testified before the Senate HHS Committee on the governor’s budget and the the need to promote two parent families and to cut invasive, expensive and ineffective home visiting, mental health, and child care programs.  (Audio available here by following March 8th HHS hearing at 27:00)..
  • 3/11 –  Dr. testified against House version (HF 669) of SF 331, the early childhood quality rating system bill described above.(Audio is available here by following link for March 11th hearing starting at 43:35)
  • 3/14 – Dr Effrem testified in support of the idea of school choice for K-12, but against the mandates placed on the private school in the MN House Education Finance Committee (HF 273) (Audio is available here by following the link for the March 14th hearing starting at 2:02:23)
  • 3/16 – Dr. Effrem testified before the Senate Education Committee in strong support of SF 622 to prohibit adoption of the common core national standards without legislative approval.  Audio is available here by following the link for the March 16th education hearing here starting at 39:50..
  • 3/16 – Dr. Effrem renewed her concerns about HF 669 and adds others that increases government control over private childcare and imposes state approved highly subjective and controversial curriculum and assessments over young children. (Audio is available here by following link for March 16th hearing starting at 1:11:55.  Dr. Effrem follows private citizen and businessman Bill Reichert who also opposed the legislation.)


Thank you again for all of your past faithful support of EdWatch and its mission to stand for academic excellence and transmitting America’s great heritage of freedom to the next generation while standing for the rights of parents to raise, educate and care for their children without government interference.  We covet your prayers and support as we continue to stand for these principles via Education Liberty Watch. 

To those of you new to EdWatch and Education Liberty Watch, thank you for your interest in and commitment to this cause.  The battle for freedom is joined and hotter than ever!.  Please prayerfully consider how you might be involved with Education Liberty Watch as we move forward, whether it is financially or by informing yourself by receiving our newsletters (see below) and passing on the information to help take on these issues in your own state or with federal officials or by volunteering.

May God bless each of you, your families, and our great nation.


In Liberty,

Karen R. Effrem, MD

President – Education Liberty Watch